Jim is one of the founders of TxtWatcher and is the parent of three tech-savvy children.
A Massachusetts teenager was sentenced Wednesday to two years in prison and loss of his license for 15 years for causing a fatal crash by texting while driving………… http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/06/12090348-massachusetts-teen-sentenced-to-prison-for-texting-while-driving?lite
Read more »The husband of a Pleasanton woman found shot to death in her home along with her 13-year-old daughter said his wife had grown “paranoid” about the teenager’s online communications, police said Tuesday. Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/05/07/BATM1OESIG.DTL#ixzz1uQoqMx33
Read more »KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A sixteen-year-old girl was charged Thursday with manslaughter, assault, and texting while driving for a September 2011 crash that killed a woman. http://fox4kc.com/2012/04/19/serious-charges-for-teen-accused-of-texting-in-fatal-accident/
Read more »The high-profile campaign against distracted driving, especially among young motorists, has seeped deep into the national culture: April is Distracted Driving Month, and tonight’s season premiere of the Fox teen hit TV show Glee features a distracted driving crash cliffhanger from last season. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-04-09/distracted-teen-driving-texting/54135840/1
Read more »Text messaging continues to increase and doctors are referring to excessive texting as a new addiction. Extreme texting causes a range of problems, from isolation and lack of sleep, to skipping meals and ignoring important daily tasks. http://www.promises.com/articles/teens/teens-texting-addiction/
Read more »Great article by Mark Walsh from Online Media Daily. It references a recently published study by the PEW Research Group on teen texting. http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/170501/teens-are-text-crazed-23-own-smartphones.html?edition=44854
Read more »Generation Text: Teenagers & cell phones Maggie O’Neill • Feb 13, 2012 You can’t get your teenager off of the phone even if the 11th plague is occurring outside; it’s also quite possible that your kid’s mobile phone, and not you, is the recipient of adoration in your home. Take refuge: you are not alone. The …
Read more »Over the past year there have been increasing sales of synthetic marijuana called Spice or K2 that is sold legally in most states. These herbal products are manufactured out of the USA and a sprayed with chemicals that can induce hallucinations and psychosis. Recently, a parent informed me that her child has been hospitalized for …
Read more »Even if you do not use TxtWatcher please, please read our Parents are Listening Guide available on our website. It lists steps every parent should take to monitor your children’s online activities including: Friending them on Facebook and Following them on Twitter. If parents saw the alleged shooter’s posts or tweets perhaps they could have …
Read more »Alarming and insightful video, including interviews of teens discussing the prevalence of Sexting in High school and even Middle School. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/15/douglas-county-sheriffs-o_n_1280306.html
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